The Dallas Chapter of the American Institute of Architects honors NIMMO with 2016 Unbuilt Design Award for Hillen Residence (scheduled to break ground June of 2016).
The Hillen Residence connects the family to their natural surroundings by weaving into the landscape and graciously opening toward expansive views of native Texan flora. A site specific project the form, both in plan and volume, is driven by natural connections stitching together with the facets of the family’s daily life. The jurors commended the project’s ability to manifest a complex plan and idea into a simple gesture that allows the homeowner to experience the architecture and natural surrounding from every vantage point.
Contributed By Michael Frieble From AIA Dallas
Dialogue. Ideas. Opportunities.
“As public discourse in Dallas becomes increasingly vital to understanding where we are as a city, and where we want to be, AIA Dallas seeks to enable continuing dialogue on important issues between the profession and the community. As part of our charge, the evolution of the Unbuilt Design Awards into an interactive event for the community continues the AIA Dallas mission to provoke new ideas by featuring the future from the architect’s perspective.”
One year ago we posted the statement above marking a transition in the Unbuilt Design Awards program. The outcome was exciting, to say the least, with a participation that was able to reach not only the chapter, but organizations and the community at large. This year we intend to further that dialogue through an evening of discussion and celebration of the ideas that continue to provoke design further throughout Dallas and beyond.
This year’s program will be held on April 28th at 816 Montgomery in the Cedars neighborhood located in south Dallas. Projects will be featured once again in a gallery format with a presentation by the jurors as well as the announcement of the winning entries. Press and People’s Choice will also be awarded at the end of the night.